- This will copy all the objects from one S3 bucket to another —
aws s3 cp s3://bucket1 s3://bucket2 –recursive –grants read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers full=emailaddress=awsaccountemailaddress
*if bucket2 is in a different AWS account, it will need a bucket policy allowing bucket1 user to write to it.
- This will list running instances’ instanceID, privateIP, and Tag=Name —
aws ec2 describe-instances –filters “Name=instance-state-code”,”Values=16″ –query “Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId, PrivateIpAddress, Tags[?Key==’Name’].Value | [0]]” –output table –region us-east-1 –profile production - This will export running instances’ InstanceID, InstanceType, Tag=Name, Tag=Project to a .tsv file (linux) which Excel will be able to open —
aws ec2 describe-instances –output text –filters “Name=instance-state-code”,”Values=16″ –query ‘Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId, InstanceType, [Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value] [0][0], [Tags[?Key==`Project`].Value] [0][0]]’ > test.tsv
- This will decode an AWS error —
aws sts decode-authorization-message –encoded-message <superlongcrypticmessage>